This week on Inside Julia’s Kitchen, host Todd Schulkin welcomes Kevin Morse, the founder of Cairnspring Mills in Western Washington State. They discuss how Cairnspring is rebuilding our food system through milling, why we need more mills to thrive, and how he sees local mills as a tool for revitalizing rural communities. As always, Kevin shares a Julia Moment. You can purchase flour directly from the Cairnspring Mills website,
This week on Inside Julia’s Kitchen, host Todd Schulkin welcomes Kevin Morse, the founder of Cairnspring Mills in Western Washington State. They discuss how Cairnspring is rebuilding our food system through milling, why we need more mills to thrive, and how he sees local mills as a tool for revitalizing rural communities. As always, Kevin shares a Julia Moment.
You can purchase flour directly from the Cairnspring Mills website,
The Julia Child audio clip from The French Chef comes courtesy of the WGBH Media Library & Archives
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